Monday, February 10, 2014

RWA#1: Unit M Concept 4-6: Conic Sections in Real Life

1) Ellipse: the set of all points such that the sum of the distance from two points (known as the foci) is a constant



For more information on ellipses, click on the link here or watch the video below:

3) Real World Application: The path of a comet and the orbits of planets, moons, and artificial satellites are all in the shape of an ellipse.
Comet moving through perihelion with tail pointing away from the sun.


 "Planets, moons, comets, and practically everything in the galaxy revolve around a sun in a fixed path or orbit. Earth's orbit is surprisingly more similar to a circle than an ellipse. But many comets and other planets revolve along more stretched out ellipses with a sun near one end rather than in the center. It's as if the sun was twirling everything on a stretchy rubber band that gets longer and shorter again each time the object comes back around the sun.Orbits can also change over a period of many, many years due to gravity. The longer and narrower the orbit is, the longer it takes for the object to make one complete revolution." (

4) Works Cited:

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